Leading The Field podcast launch

ian cleverdon imposter syndrome leading the field simon phillips the gc index Apr 13, 2023

Welcome to Leading The Field!

This podcast is designed to empower and motivate the modern leader, providing insight and strategies that will help you surpass any personal or professional goals. With the latest information, inspiring interviews, and expert advice, this podcast will build a bridge between today’s dynamic workplace needs and the revolutionary technologies that are transforming business today. Tune in to learn more about how you can lead your team to success.

Wednesday 19th April, 2023 is the Launch Date right here https://www.simonphillips.co.uk/podcast.

Each week I'll be interviewing guests who are leaders in their individual fields. The common link is the contribution they are making to society and the impact they are making on the lives of the people around them.

The series is powered by The GC Index and I'll be exploring how the proclivities of my guests have supported them throughout their careers. Through the highs and the lows, when everything was going great and when they encountered the odd plot twist along the way! I'll be asking them to share some of their leadership secrets, the strategies they used to overcome setbacks as well as achieve their significant successes.

First up will be Ian Cleverdon who switched career from heading up Learning & Development at a national UK bank, to being a university lecturer, music producer and podcast host of the Half Hour Mentor!

When I first met Ian, he was my personal Business Bank Manager. His enthusiasm for what I was aiming to achieve with my business played a key role in helping me stay focused and committed to my vision. It was the first piece of outside validation I'd received for my ideas and made a big impact!

In the interview, Ian shares his feelings of Imposter Syndrome as he joined the professors and experienced faculty at Manchester Metropolitan University and how he overcame that to deliver his highly successful lecture series on banking and finance.

Ian's strongest GC Index proclivity is Implementer and it was his desire to move to action which helped him overcome his fears. If you'd like to find out how the GC Index could support your career aspirations, just get in touch.

Future guests in the first half of the season include Mpume Ncube-Daka, Patricia Muir, Alex Hanratty and Charlie Winton. All have amazing stories to tell and demonstrate the impact we can all make when we focus our efforts and decide to pick up the mantle of leadership in our spaces.

To follow the launch and hear the first episode, be sure to follow me on all the usual social media channels:

And subscribe to my Youtube channel to see video clips from all the interviews - SimonPhillipsLive

Making Change Your Friend

We are in the middle of a Change Sunami!

Leaders are not only required to cope with change but to create the environment in which everyone can thrive. Simon's keynote presentations and whole audience facilitation events enable you and your organisation to transform and emerge as centres for inclusivity, agility and compassion. Get in touch to discuss your challenges.